15 October 2008


...it's been too long since writing. My bad...

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this weekend.

"Why?" (that was you asking).

Ah, thanks for asking! Tomorrow the Passion conference is stopping in Hong Kong. So I'm taking the youth group from my church to hear David Crowder and Chris Tomlin. Should be a fun night. Apparently in the states they're all serious about it only being allowed for college students, but I think if they did that here they would get like 10 people showing up, so we're bringing the high schoolers. I hope we're not, like, breaking any rules or something. And if we are, I hope it's just a really light punishment, not death or something like that.

Perhaps if they gave us a piece of cake and then told us to leave. I think that would be nice.

Friday-Sunday is going to potentially be a very awkward time, and I can't wait! My church is teaming up with a few other churches to put on a conference called Love Actually where we actually gather kids at a retreat center and just talk openly and seriously about SEX for 3 days. This includes sessions where guys can ask girls (leaders and peers) questions, and girls can ask guys, and I really hope for some great situations...all within a pure, Christian context, of course! 

So, if any of my Kanakuk friends don't mind, it would be great if you can fly in for the event. Because as anyone who knows anything knows, Kanakuk people are the BEST and creating and maintaining awkward situations. I'd love to have you in town.

So yeah, it should be a great weekend. I know you are all jealous.

Beyond that, just working on life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Working double-time (technically, but not really) since the full-time paid staff of my organization in Hong Kong has been cut in half (leaving a total of...1! Me...) so I have a few extra responsibilities to pick up.

And for my spiritual ponderings, I just wanna direct you all to Philippians 2. The first few verses are basically awesome. Reading over them lately, I was really struck by the command to, in humility, consider others as more important than myself. At first I thought "that's a great idea, but it almost seems as just a formality that Jesus is asking us to perform."  But then I read on...and it continues to give the example of ultimate humility (which is what allows us to consider others as better than ourselves): Jesus taking the form of man and coming to earth, allowing himself to take the position of a servant and becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.

So this is where I realize "oh...it's not just a formality."  It's Christ-likeness.

I know this seems like a simple realization. But honestly, it's something I've been very poorly at lately. In fact, I think I've been very selfish, at least in my thoughts, if not in my actions. So I'm going back for a little spiritual milk, and I'll get back to the real spiritual food when I'm ready for it again.

I'm outta here! Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope LA was sufficiently awkward for you. Especially since I DID fly in to help out.